Modality: Mutable
Element: Earth
Element: Earth
Season: Summer6th Sign of Zodiac
Metal: Mercury
Stone: Sapphire
Stone: Sapphire
Color: Blue, Beige
Anatomy: Intestines,
the nervous system
Keywords: analytical,
intelligent, reserved,
critical, helpful, conscientious
Comparison with its symbol, the Virgin:
Virgo's symbol is the virgin, and is often considered a shy, "lady in waiting" personality that is a little naive. Though Virgos are seldom celibate, they often keep their personal identity intact throughout their lives. This composure is virginal in nature.
Virgo's symbol is sometimes shown as a woman carrying a sheaf of wisdom, representing the harvesting of wheat at the time of year of the Virgo (late summer).

Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury.
(The Sun is in Virgo from approximately August 21 to September 20, depending on the year).
It is rare to find the stereotypical nitpicky, exacting, "clean freak" in modern-day Virgos. Although the sign of Virgo has evolved with the times, there are some unmistakable traits that remain. Virgo people are generally respectable, hard-working individuals who have a love of knowledge and know-how.
Virgo's symbol, the Virgin, shows itself in the lives of Virgos through a love of all that is "natural" and a certain purity of spirit that keeps Virgos self-sufficient and self-contained, at least on the surface. Virgos are sensitive to their surroundings, and they tend to embarrass easily. They are generally reticent when faced with anything or anyone new. However, once they feel comfortable, they can talk up a storm. Many Virgo Suns are not too comfortable in the limelight. These types are just fine living in the background, as long as they feel useful and appreciated. Solar Virgos have a strong sense of responsibility. Even when they've convinced themselves to be irresponsible about something or the other, they worry about it.
Not all Virgos are workaholics. However, when Solar Virgos are not involved in some kind of project, there is generally a vague feeling of discontent. Even when their lives are filled up with work, they are restless and somewhat nervous creatures. The fear of under-performing is often strong. Virgos want to do things well. Some are exacting and thorough, and those Virgos who have convinced themselves to do a less-than-perfect job will generally feel incomplete.
Virgo, as an Earth sign, has a notable connection to the body. Solar Virgos are generally very body-aware. In some cases, this shows up as some form of hypochondria, but, for the most part, Virgo is simply quite concerned with health matters and nutrition. Virgo is attracted to all that is natural and pure, but is generally unafraid to explore all that is not. In fact, Virgo is an intensely curious sign. Still, there is a strong desire to remain pure on some level, despite all of Virgo's curiosity and drive to know things. Those Virgos that find a true interest or "calling" easily become connoisseurs--their attention to details and enormous observation powers give them the ability to learn all of the ins and outs of any subject. These people love to do research, in addition to analytic or detail work. They'll happily pick apart practically anything, although they are less adept at putting things back together, and often have trouble grasping the big picture.
Virgo Suns who are stuck in the practical, material world may learn a lot about themselves if they are brave enough to try placing their lives on automatic pilot once in a while. Letting some things go will do wonders for their spirit. Virgos tend to be too hard on themselves. They worry about their health, their performance at work, all the things they haven't done, and the emails that might be waiting for them while they are away from their computer. When they're not feeling well, they can be overly critical and nervous. They fuss around, have a whole slew of assorted little complaints, and throw small tantrums.
Solar Virgos are perfectionists--there's simply no escaping it. They dream of mastery; they long to do something really well. Some Virgos are so scared of their own perfectionist qualities that they tell themselves they don't care. Others will forever dabble into one thing or another, leaving a string of incomplete projects behind them. However, the happiest Virgos accept their need to get things right, without overdoing it. Probably the best advice for Sun in Virgo people is to find something that interests them--however small or large--and master it.
Most Virgos can be rather private and fussy about their work, or their personal workspace. They get nervous when others look at their unfinished work, and they are quite protective of their methods of doing things. Despite an overall lack of confidence, Virgos can be mighty proud--even arrogant--when it comes to their work, routines, or hobbies. Secretly, they think their methods of doing things are the best. Often, they are! They do take pride in the little things they do, even though, in a broader sense, Virgos can be rather self-effacing and self-critical.
Solar Virgos often confuse people when their curiosity is mistaken for passion. The surprising part is that Virgo, although knowledgeable, doesn't always get its hands dirty. Their willingness to explore is often kept at the intellectual level. However, Virgos are often well-respected and valued in their circles for their loyalty, research skills, willingness to lend a hand, and their excellent powers of observation. They are generally kind and helpful souls who, when appreciated, do everything to make things work.
There's an odd combination of the intellectual and the practical in Virgo that is sometimes mistaken for coolness. In fact, Virgos are often self-effacing and shy. They'll brush off your compliments quickly and, sometimes, critically; but don't let that fool you. They need your respect and appreciation. In fact, the happiest Virgos are the ones who feel appreciated and useful. Add plenty of worthwhile projects to keep them busy, and Virgos can be some of the sweetest, kindest people around.
Some Famous People with Sun in Virgo: Billy Ray Cyrus (Sun and Mercury in Virgo), Cameron Diaz (Sun and Mars in Virgo), Gloria Estefan (Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Virgo), Richard Gere, Stephen King, D. H. Lawrence (Sun and Mercury in Virgo), Keanu Reeves (Sun and Mercury in Virgo), Charlie Sheen
Lunar Virgos find security in the little things in life. They feel most content when they've straightened out all the details of everyday life. Many of them enjoy running errands, paying bills, and balancing the books. They take care of these things happily, although some won't let on. In fact, many Lunar Virgos are quite practiced at nagging and complaining. As long as they are appreciated, however, these people will help you take care of your life, too. They are at their best when they feel useful and needed. If somebody needs help, they are generally the first to jump up and take on the task.
Some people with Virgo Moons are accused of being underachievers. While it may be true that Lunar Virgos can lack self-confidence, many are--quite simply--content with living "regular", unassuming lives. They appreciate simplicity, and are often most comfortable when they're not getting too much attention from the world at large. Lunar Virgos are easily overwhelmed by pressure and stress. They worry incessantly when there is too much to think about; and they know their limits.
Arguably the worst position for a Lunar Virgo is without a steady routine or a simply satisfying job. They need to feel useful, and they best express this by helping others in little ways. They need something to call their own, and the space to do what they want to do.
The unhappy Lunar Virgos are fussy and complaining sorts. They are victims of routine and freak out when their plans are not followed. They are restless and nervous, and can't seem to see the big picture. Probably the best remedy for these people is a job or hobby in which they can express their deep need to analyze, attend to details, and micromanage.
These people express their affection for the people they care about in little, but practical, ways. They can be a little stiff when it comes to open, gushy displays of affection. Lunar Virgos are often shy with new people. However, when they are comfortable, they are anything but shy.
More often than not, others can count on Moon in Virgo people. They are reliable and trustworthy. Above all else, Lunar Virgos are practical. Others turn to them for help and advice.
In relationships, Lunar Virgos can be self-effacing and kind. Some are quite shy in love, and easily intimidated on a sexual level. Many are not very comfortable with their sexuality, but they aim to please nonetheless. The sign of Virgo is very body-aware, in general. If this awareness combines with a lack of self-confidence, Lunar Virgos can be too aware of the parts that make up the whole. This can lead to a tendency to be intensely self-critical. Once Lunar Virgos learn to come out of their shell, however, they can be earthy partners with a lot to give.
Some of the most skeptical people are Lunar Virgos. They can't help but poke holes when faced with others' blind faith. Their criticism can be maddening, and their insistence on seeing the practical in anything emotional can be challenging, especially if you are the dreamy type.
Virgo curiosity shows up big time with this position of the Moon. To some, it can be confusing. Lunar Virgos seem very interested in others' problems, for example, but can be quite cool and even unsympathetic in the long run. Their advice can seem hard to more sensitive folk; yet Lunar Virgos can be surprisingly delicate when faced with others' criticism.
Virgo Moon people are generally busy and quietly happy when they have their lives under control. They aim for a simple existence, and are often quite content with very little. Many are early risers, ready to take on the day with enthusiasm. They scurry around, keeping busy and managing their life quietly and expertly. As long as their little world is manageable, Lunar Virgos can be a delight to be around.
Some Famous people with Moon in Virgo: Courteney Cox, Madonna (Moon, Mercury, and Ascendant in Virgo), Jean-Claude Van Damme
Mercury in VirgoMercury in Virgo people are rarely flashy in their communication style, but they do thoroughly appreciate it when others acknowledge their brainpower. These people love to keep track of all the details. They can be a little high-strung when things are not orderly or when things seem out of control, so they put a lot of energy into taking care of day-to-day, practical matters.
Mercury in Virgo men and women are generally adept at organizing, planning on a short-term scale, and doing errands. They pay their bills on time, enjoy learning the details of a trade, and generally don't balk at secretarial tasks. They function best when they (or others) have laid out exactly what they have to do. They are generally prompt at responding to others (although a Leo Sun may be less so), and often are willing to lend a hand to others by doing research and leg work for them.
Generally, these people are considered rather useful in their work and as friends because they have a handle on the details of the things they do.
Although they are capable of learning a lot, they need orderly environments in which to learn and study, and organized study methods. They generally pick up a lot of facts and figures, and learn their own trade well, but have trouble truly absorbing the knowledge they collect on a deeper level. Although resourceful, Mercury in Virgo is not as strong at lateral thinking than, for example, water sign Mercuries.
If your Mercury is in Sagittarius or Gemini, you may find Mercury in Virgo difficult to communicate with. Although you two may share common interests, the way you deliver your message can be intensely different to the point of frustration. Learning to understand that your thought processes are different, and the way you present your ideas differ, but there is more common ground than you may know.
Mercury in Virgo natives may appear humble at times, but they get quite protective when it comes to handling day-to-day affairs. They can be very impatient with others, feel they do these things best, take on more work than they should, and then complain that they are doing all the dirty work.
Some Famous People with Mercury in Virgo: J. C. Chasez of N'Sync (Mercury, Venus, and Mars in Virgo), Billy Ray Cyrus (Sun and Mercury in Virgo), Gloria Estefan (Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Virgo), Avril Lavigne, D. H. Lawrence (Sun and Mercury in Virgo), Madonna (Moon, Mercury, and Ascendant in Virgo), Robert Plant, Keanu Reeves (Sun and Mercury in Virgo), Alicia Silverstone, Christian Slater.
Venus in VirgoVenus in Virgo people are not the flirtatious sort. Instead, their appeal lies in their dedication, their willingness to work on the relationship, and to make the relationship work in real terms. Unlike Venus in Leo, they won't try to impress you with grand gifts or promises. Their gifts are less showy, but perhaps far more generous -- gifts of devotion and attention to details about you.
Venus in Virgo men and women quietly (and often slowly) make their way into your heart. They are quite sensitive in love -- even insecure -- and this reserved, loner-like quality is part of their appeal. They prefer to play it safe in their relationships, and they need to be confident that you like them before they make a move. They are great listeners and they make it a habit to observe and learn all of your ins and outs. Their love can be of the Kindergarten variety -- they show they care by nagging or criticizing. Remember, though, that they are not trying to hurt you when they are pointing out the flaws in your thinking, plans, or even character. They truly are trying to help! Venus in Virgo is attracted to nondescript people who have largely gone unnoticed. Show-offs and know-it-alls turn them off.
Pleasing Venus in Virgo involves showing you appreciate them for all the little things they do -- and they do a lot. The problem is, they do these things so quietly that you may not always notice or credit them for all these kind gestures. They do need some space (after all, they're generally quite busy making everything work), so give it to them. Be genuine, not ostentatious. They are really not difficult to please after you have taken care of these basic needs. Avoid pushing your friends or family on them too fast -- remember they are a little shy. They aim to please, and are easily intimidated by your experiences. Let them know how much you value them, and they will reward you with devotion and a charming willingness to talk things out.
Some Famous People with Venus in Virgo: J. C. Chasez (Mercury, Venus, and Mars in Virgo), Vin Diesel, Sarah Ferguson, John Lennon, Heather Locklear, Jennifer Lopez, Julia Roberts, Kevin Spacey (Venus and Mars in Virgo),
Mars in VirgoThese productive and busy people are goal-oriented, practical people. Although they can be a little scattered at times, simply because they are doing so many things at any give time, Mars in Virgo natives get things done--quite well! They have a knack for handling a wide variety of tasks at once, and a tendency to take on perhaps too much at the same time.
Most Mars in Virgo natives are not particularly aggressive by nature. Although they can be a little hard-nosed and critical at times, they rarely resort to pushing others around. Still, an annoyed Mars in Virgo native can be difficult to be around! Arouse their anger and they turn into complaining, over-critical nags. Generally, these natives don't make themselves nuisances, so this stage is unlikely to last for very long. It is a sensitive position, however. It doesn't take much to make these people nervous.
Mars in Virgo people are quite protective about their "system" for getting things done. Although rather humble in a general life sense, they can be quite particular about their methods--how they organize and accomplish their goals, mostly with work. Theirs is a nervous energy. Although they have some staying power, they can be restless and are not given to sticking with the same projects for too long.
These natives derive plenty of energy and life force from the things they do--their work, hobbies, and any kind of projects they take on. An idle Mars in Virgo native is a sorry sight, indeed. Fidgety, nervous, worried...all of these things are a sure sign that Mars in Virgo people have either too little to do, or far too much on their plates. There is a perfectionist at the heart of all people with this position. They'll be the first to deny this, but it's there! They worry when they are not producing anything, and they worry about whether what they've produced will measure up.
An earthy and sometimes nervous sexuality generally characterizes people with this position of Mars. In a sense, their performance in bed is similar to their work. These people want to be good at what they do. They will generally be open to experimentation, if only to feed their curiosity and to feel savvy. There's often a shy and humble side to Mars in Virgo in any area that involves putting themselves out there and letting go (areas ruled by Mars). But experience and knowledge are important to these natives, and this drive generally wins over their natural reticence.
Some Famous People with Mars in Virgo: Ben Affleck, George Bush Jr., Nick Carter, J. C. Chasez (Mercury, Venus, and Mars in Virgo), Matt Damon, Johnny Depp, Cameron Diaz (Sun and Mars in Virgo), Gloria Estefan (Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Virgo), Elizabeth Hurley, Sarah Jessica Parker, Brooke Shields, Kevin Spacey (Venus and Mars in Virgo), Britney Spears